Meet the Photographer // Feature

Me (Jordan) is on the right in this image!

Me (Jordan) is on the right in this image!

Hello everyone! My name is Jordan, and I am the artist behind the camera at Fawn Valley Photography. I know I have an about page on my website, but I wanted to write more about my photography journey and other minor facts.

When I was a sophomore in college, I got to study abroad for a semester at a manor in Harlaxton, England. It was one of, if not the best, experiences of my life (at least so far). While I was there, I took an Introduction to Digital Photography course, and I fell in love with it. As soon as I got home, I rented some books about all genres of photography, bought my Nikon d3300, and the rest is history.

Also, because of this experience, I now have a permanent, consistent desire to travel and explore the world. I've been to fourteen different countries, twenty-three of the fifty states, and two of the seven continents. Every time I travel now, I bring along my camera and at least one lens (usually more) to capture the incredible culture, places, and people I see. You will see photos of my travels and the landscapes I see on my blog because it's part of who I am as a photographer.

Anyway, I hope this tells you more about me and that you stick around to travel on this journey with me. Thank you for stopping by and visiting me on my little corner of the internet. I hope you have a blessed day!