Pet Session Options


The Signature Session

$375 + tax*

My first package is perfect for people looking for a fun and memorable experience. It includes:

  • An on-location photography session either in your home or one outdoor venue

  • One hour of shooting time

  • Up to two pets photographed

  • Professional editing to make your images stunning - including basic leash removal

  • Assistance and advice on choosing a location, getting ready, and what to expect from the session

  • The ability to utilize a payment plan, if needed

The Deluxe Session

$500 + tax*

This package is for those wanting an intimate and unique experience with their pets. It includes: 

  • An on-location photography session at two locations of your choosing

  • Two hours of shooting time

  • Up to four pets photographed

  • Professional editing to make your images stunning - including basic leash removal

  • Assistance and advice on choosing a location, getting ready, and what to expect from the session

  • The ability to utilize a payment plan, if needed

The Heirloom Session

$300 + tax*

If time with your pet is limited due to old age or terminal illness, this is the session for you. It includes: 

  • An on-location photography session at one location of your choosing; I recommend that this is done either in your own home or a place your pet feels safe and comfortable

  • 45 minutes of low-key shooting time meant to capture the special bond and love between your pet and you

  • Priority scheduling to ensure you have precious images of your pet forever

  • Professional editing to make your images stunning - including basic leash removal

  • Assistance and advice on choosing a location, getting ready, and what to expect from the session

  • The ability to utilize a payment plan, if needed